594. Pixies - amherst, ma 11.30.04

Well the unimaginable happened - the Pixies reunited. Not for one benefit show but for many paying shows, often playing big festivals and small clubs. I flew down to Florida to see them with Chad and Natalie and it was worth every peenny of the cheap $37.50 (thanks Meadows for getting the tickets). The band played loud, effortlessly, for a long time and perfectly. I found this soundboard recording in the used bin of a cd store here in the city - DiscLive was selling instant recordings of the show for the low price of $25 or $20... of course that service wasn't available at the show I went to, but this was a decent show too. Please disregard the location on the above cover, it was the only jpeg I could find, which by the way was designed by my friend Heather when she was at DiscLive.
8.8 out of 10