sexta-feira, janeiro 29, 2010
1137. The Doors - In Concert

Back in high school we reached an age where we were given a free study period a day, along with a room. What we most often did was sleep and play tunes... Nick would often bring tapes in from his parents LP collection, among them were the Doors. At roughly the same time the Oliver Stone film was coming up and the Doors were back, sort of. I bought this on a visit to the US, at a store still using the long box version to make up for all the empty LP bins. This double disc captures the spectacle that was a Doors concert: part banter, part rock, part poetry reading and part mayhem on behalf of the audience and cops. It doesn't beat being there of course, but if you weren't even alive back then this gets pretty close.
7.4 out of 10
quinta-feira, janeiro 28, 2010
1136. Pink Floyd - Pulse

Thankfully not as polished as 'the delicate sound of thunder' this still is Pink Floyd for the yuppies around the world, but with the inclusion of the Division Bell, a truly lukewarm excuse for an album. I guess I will keep this but it's truly a shame the band ever split up and ceased to tap into that vein that made Pink Floyd one of the best bands ever.
6 out of 10
quarta-feira, janeiro 27, 2010
1135. Pink Floyd - The Wall Live 1980-81

Pink Floyd had three phases: the psych Syd Barret era, the Water/Gilmor period that was its best and the sans Waters era that transformed Floyd into an adult rock juggernaut. The best formation of this group was the Roger Waters years - the band could seamlessly blend rock n roll with psych, soul and r & b and still make it work. As soon as Waters left the band became a watered down version of Pink Floyd. This two disc set captures Pink Floyd during their Wall tour in 1981, arguably at their peak with, the show is pretty fucking amazing with this four piece sounding bigger than the 20 man group that would tour 20 years later.
8.9 out of 10
segunda-feira, janeiro 25, 2010
1133. Jimmy Page and Robert Plant - No Quarter

I saw the live performance of this on MTV and was inspired to pick this cd up shortly after. Having been a while since my last listen it has become very clear why this band has yet to get back together: Robert Plant. There are many moments that evoke the glory of Led Zeppelin past - but other clearly illustrate Plants desire to play quieter, blues and folk based songs. As time has shown us since this came out, Jimmy is ready to rock, John Paul Jones is rocking and Plant wants to rock too, but in a rocking chair with some lemonade and a hot breeze.
7 out of 10
quinta-feira, janeiro 21, 2010
1132. Led Zepplin - Led Zepplin 4 disc set

This was I feel, the first of many Zep box sets to emerge. What makes it special to me is that I bought it off of Scott Hardin, who in a momentary lapse of his Christianity purchased the set and other things, to just later sell them all off for a sort of spiritual cleanse. The material goes from amazing to good as you work your way to disc four. What I was able to gather the most from it was how Zep went from this mystical, heavy, unpredicatble band to a very standard, but great blues rock n' roll band.
8.2 out of 10
quinta-feira, janeiro 14, 2010
quarta-feira, janeiro 13, 2010
segunda-feira, janeiro 11, 2010
1125. Miles Davis - Kind Of Blue

When you first hear 'A love supreme' it sounds like you are walking in on a heated moment of some sort, either an argument, or a breakdown. A 'Kind of Blue' is more of a week long drip, where the winter days are gray and the although you are out with others you still really feel alone, in your head. A classic, elegant jazz record that will always be known for its quiet, pensive moments.
8.3 out of 10
quinta-feira, janeiro 07, 2010
quarta-feira, janeiro 06, 2010
terça-feira, janeiro 05, 2010
1120. Frank Sinatra - The Main Event

My buddy Rob got me into a lot of good old stuff and he loved this album. Personally I feel that either this album is stronger - his voice was at its peak and the performance is spot one. What Rob liked about this album was that it captured a moment in time perfectly, 1974, with Howard Cosell doing the introduction, and name checking the celbreties in attendance much like a boxing match. Frank is still in top form but he isn't as hungry as in his earlier performances, he's comfortable with the routine.
7.4 out of 10