I only used to come to the states twice a year, a month a time - but sometimes my mom would come, and besides buying us candy she would tape MTV - which we didn't have in Brasil. Anyway, one night I am watching a tape and it was a Sunday recording because it had 'the week in rock'. On that show their was a 'new release' segment that lasted 20 seconds or so, they showed the cover of 'Mental Jewelry' playing 'Operation: spirit' and I knew I had to get it. Years later in college my roommate Steve had two cats and he left for the summer leaving behind a million of fleas. Scott was kind enough to purchase flea bombs and bomb my room but I had this cd laying up and it was ruined, this was in 95 or 96 and I hadn't heard the cd until now (chad was kind enough to burn me a copy, I still have the defective one). Now to the music, for a bunch of young skinny kids the album is great, but at times it does reflect their immaturity both lyrically and musically ('the beauty of grey', c'mon and 'Take my anthem'). But with that said their greatest effort and disappointment still lied ahead, and this was a good start for such a young group, other than the New Kids.
6.5 out of 10