terça-feira, novembro 25, 2008
864. Elbow - Asleep in the Back

I heard this at the same time I heard South at HMV - I really fell for that instore playing gimmick. Elbow play grand cinematic rock that through a radio play like sense take you through an epic build to a fallen glass. They do it well, but like many other bands of the genre it can get old at times.
6.9 out of 10
segunda-feira, novembro 24, 2008
863. I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness - Fear Is On Our Side

Easily one of the best names a band has ever come up with, the cd isn't bad either. Mixing an epic impending doom sound with a forceful pop sense creates an album that has you swinging between depressed and happy.
7.1 out of 10
According To Plan
862. The Stills - Logic Will break Your Heart

Looking back in 2003 it seemed like a ton of music was coming out then - all sorts of different stuff too, indie had spread out to all sounds and become mainstream. Now five years later a lot of the bands that debuted in 03 have either cemented their position as a mainstay (TVOTR), or are still finding their way (The Rapture) or are on the brink of imploding due to a lack of audible identity (The Killers). The stills fall into the latter and with every release they seem to veer off into a course that retreats to unfamiliar territory instead of advancing to greater (even unfamiliar) areas.
This disc is very, very 'pleasant'. It is a solid release that doesn't make you fall in love with life but at times provides a solid basis for a hard crush. "Lola Stars And Stripes", "Still In Love Song", and "Love & Death" sound like they pressed onto vinyl in 1986 - it was from here that I wish the band had progressed...
7.6 out of 10
sexta-feira, novembro 21, 2008
861. Clearlake - Almost the Same

More of the same - which isn't a bad thing. Clearlake at times can take their songs to such epic, dense, buttery places it's hard to resist. This five track ep is worth the investment if you're a fan of Cedars.
7.4 out of 10
860. Clearlake - Cedars

"Cedars" is a pretty eclectic lp - a mix of snide british pop, lush fuzz, greek chorus sound effects, repetitious riffing. The band is very adventurous throughout, by passing often the expected - just not always stopping by the 'remarkable' - but when they do it's pretty great. A great drinking at home alone album.
8.5 out of 10
quinta-feira, novembro 20, 2008
856. Thom Yorke - The Eraser

This solo effort came as a surprise to all when released. It's loose, experimental and heavily electronic... it's probably of more interest to serious Radiohead fans than casual ones (are there any casual Radiohead fans).
On a side note, anyone who knows me knows how anal I am about maintaining the 'integrity' of cd/lp package... this beautiful, uncoated, perfectly designed package was basically destroyed when I knocked over a glass of water on it (ellen has jinxed me in this category - since we've been dating four cds have been ruined).
6.9 out of 10
quarta-feira, novembro 19, 2008
855. Radiohead - Steve Lamacq Radio 1 Evening Session 11/12/00

This is a tiny ep (four tracks) and what makes it so interesting is that it's one of the first radio appearances for Kid A and you can tell the band hasn't fully decided how to tackle the album yet live - it almost seems like there are too many ways to go, especially with "Everything In Its Right Place" which sounds like it could have easily spun out of control...
7.3 out of 10
terça-feira, novembro 18, 2008
852. Radiohead - Berlin, Germany 7/4/00

I know I'm doing these out of order... this is an amazing bootleg - the quality is great and the tracklist covers songs from Amnesiac, Kid A and others while managing to squeeze in a few b-sides as well. If you are a fan you should track this down, it is well worth the hunt.
It would have gotten higher marks if it was officially released with proper artwork, and sequencing (it sounds as if my set is incomplete).
9 out of 10
sexta-feira, novembro 14, 2008
quinta-feira, novembro 13, 2008
849. Radiohead - Live on 'Later with Jools Holland' 2001

I've amassed a few live RH bootlegs off the internet. This particular one is from 'Later... with Jools Holland' back in 2001. The tracklist is pretty great mixing in tracks from their entire discography - the only downside to this recording is the quality which does sound like you are listening a tv show.
7 out of 10
terça-feira, novembro 11, 2008
848. Radiohead - In Rainbows Disc 2

As you've noticed I truly value Radiohead b-sides so I was incredibly pleased when I found out that I could get all of In Rainbows on one disc. These 8 tracks are no different than other RH b-sides - they're experimental, some great songs, others left off for obvious reasons - but I love how it starts off with 'MK 1' which picks up from where 'Videotape' left off. Highlights include: "Down Is The New Up", "Go Slowly" and "Up On The Ladder".
7.9 out of 10
847. Radiohead - In Rainbows

I won't talk about the method with which the album was released, nor the amazing package that was put together but instead solely focus on the music. In a time where the digital music format dominates, and songs are mixed louder and louder to compensate for the poor mp3 quality Radiohead releases a quiet intimate album (still there are a few moments of jagged frenzy bliss). As with every RH lp it has a texture, musical theme and inimitable character - it's very much dreamlike, at times throwing you into a hung over haze.
9.1 out of 10
846. Radiohead - There, There

The majority of b-sides for this album were remixes... this single contains two original tracks that were left off the final lp for very obvious reasons. 'Paperbag Writer' and 'Where Bluebirds Fly' are both experimental and heavily instrumental that almost feel like a single band member experiment than a full band effort.
4.2 out of 10
segunda-feira, novembro 10, 2008
843. Radiohead - Hail to the thief

When this was released it was billed as an album Radiohead had to make or deserved to make since it was more 'traditional', fortunately there is nothing traditional about any of Radiohead's releases. HTTT is an amazing album, that is frantic, layered and riddled with political and societal messages - the tracks and album itself have subtitles (The Gloaming) and the frenzied map only add to the unsure landscape ahead. This is such a great record and sounds even better now...
9.7 out of 10
sexta-feira, novembro 07, 2008
842. Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong: Live Recordings

I was really looking forward to this release for many reasons:
1. it was RH's first live document
2. curious to hear such electronic songs played live
3. all the leaked shows sounded great
4. all the hype behind fan favourite 'true love waits' which I had never heard
Well, it was a let down. First off what we got was an ep - why so short? The songs sounded good but the quality could have been a bit better and unlike almost every other fan, I did not care for 'true love waits' - it's easily my least favourite track.
6.9 out of 10
quinta-feira, novembro 06, 2008
841. Radiohead - Pyramid Song

This single is backed by some very experimental tracks that could be seen as incomplete - I think they were just left... "The Amazing Sounds Of Orgy", "Trans-Atlantic Drawl" and "Kinetic". I remember once getting all of the b-sides together and putting them on a cd for chad and listening to it as a lost album - its an odd one...
6 out of 10
840. Radiohead - Knives Out [Europe]

Kid A didn't have any singles, I think - so when a few came out for Amnesiac I picked up a couple. The title track is included along with 'Worrywort', 'Fog' and 'Life In A Glasshouse (Full Length Version)'. 'Life' is a reworked version/demo of album version, slightly longer at parts and a bit more demo like. The other two tracks are very interesting and are good, but I can see why they were cut.
7.3 out of 10
839. Radiohead - Amnesiac

Nine months or so after the release of Kid A Radiohead released Amnesiac which most people consider to be a sister album to Kid A but I'm entirely sure why - sure they were released within months of each other, but they are very different and were never meant as a continuation.
Amnesiac builds upon the landscape that was set up with Kid A and takes some of the songs to a more expected (but still brilliant) place. It also contains my second favourite Radiohead song, 'Pyramid Song'.
9.7 out of 10
838. Radiohead - Kid A

It seems like ever since OK Computer every Radiohead release has been an event - Kid A was in particular because it was 4 years since the last LP and because musically the album was so different. It would have been easy for the band to continue on its previous path but instead they reinvented the musical landscape but thinking about their music in a more ambient/electro.new age/brian eno sort of way... this made Kid A a complete, unique, cover to cover album where its strength lies in the collection and not the parts. It was a brilliant follow up.
9.7 out of 10
terça-feira, novembro 04, 2008
837. Radiohead - Airbag/How Am I Driving?

This EP is formed of b-sides from the OK sessions... the set kicks off with Airbag, just like the OK album does, it then moves onto the excellent 'Pearly', the instrumental 'Meeting In The Aisle' evokes the documentary that was filmed on tour, Meeting People is Easy, 'A Reminder' feels like it was lifted perfectly off the album, it fits well but isn't missed. 'Polyethylene (Parts 1 & 2)' is great, more 'Bends' era track, both loud and epic. The last two tracks are the most 'filler' sounding of the group, "Melatonin" never really takes off anywhere, and 'Palo Alto' sounds like a song the band had to write and enjoy playing, to themselves...
Given the large gap between OK and Kid A consuming any sort of Radiohead material was necessary and this EP satisfied, for a bit...
7.9 out of 10
836. Radiohead - OK Computer

Simply one of the best albums ever made. The first to also take full advantage of the CD format with its crystal clear sounds blending seamlessly from one track to the next playing like a visualess film. The disc opens with 'airbag' a track whose opening chords sound wretched from the Bends album but then quickly expands the palette, and with each song the band continues to do so with confidence and ease. It's genius at the first listen and only becomes increasingly brilliant upon repeated dates. It also contains the most perfect pop song ever written: "Let Down".
10 out of 10