678. R.E.M. - green

"Green" is a classic album. I remember visiting the US and staying up late to watch MTV (back when they had Kids in Hall and a British comedy show with a punk guy). Anyway, the video for "Stand' came on and I felt guilty for liking it and the song because it wasn't metal... so eventually when I came back to Brazil I bought the tape, and in Brazil absolutely no money is put into the design of tapes (or albums for that matter, at least back then) - all it was was the square cover album cover reduced to fit on the rectangular cover, with the unused ares flooded in orange... no lyrics, photos or anything. Regardless, this album is amazing - it's varied and still completely solid and contains many classics, "Pop song 89", "Stand", "World Leader Pretend" and "Orange Crush".
9.3 out of 10
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