633. Cake Like - Bruiser Queen

Pizzcato Five has a cd with "Music is Organized by Sound" written on its cover... and my problem with this disc is that the sounds aren't organized in the best manner. Sure it may be very creative manner in terms of measures, breaks and melodies - but when lined up and layered it just doesn't hit me like it should. Chad introduced me to these NYU alumni, and he had caught them performing on The State which was a MTV or Comedy Central show... one of the singers was a cast member of that show (she's now on Reno 911), and to a small extent that didn't help me either... it's like when Eddie Murphy sang "Party all the time" with Rick James - I wanted to laugh when I heard his voice, yet he wasn't saying anything funny... yeah I'm conditioned, like a dog. Though they nobly try to invoke the greater moments of Fugazi, Shudder to Think and any other DC punk band, Cake Like just doesn't cut it.
4.5 out of 10
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