segunda-feira, agosto 08, 2005

373. Belle and Sebastian - if you're feeling sinister

originally uploaded by jrd550.
B&S keep strumming along to their story book lyrics and local theatre like arrangements. Some feel this is the best B&S album but I am somewhat let down by the second half which seems to run out of steam and engaging narrative. At times it sounds like the chorus is a sentence imposed on the band, forced to play through again and again to reach a never soon enough end.

7 out of 10


Anonymous Anônimo said...

I understand where you are coming from with this one and I think alot of it is due to the fact that you first heard Boy with the Arab strap.

I tell you this, when I first came across this album I blasted it for months from the windows of a dilapidated Chrystler. Summer, winter, rain or shine it never mattered. Singing along with Dylan in the movies and Get me away from here I'm dying made shitty little Levittown parking lots seem like romantic open roads that you could drive across forever with wind in your hair and music in the air.

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anônimo said...

Isn't he romantic?! ;-)

1:08 AM  
Blogger Jazz said...

yes you are Jack - we wouldn't need an arab strap, would we..

6:26 AM  

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