segunda-feira, agosto 01, 2005

362. Broken Social Scene - you forgot it in people

originally uploaded by jrd550.
There are certain things people take credit for as if they had some gifted hand in. You'll hear people say 'look at the perfect feet I have' or 'my first, middle and last name are great, aren't they?'. While it's fun to take credit/joy in something you had absolutely nothing to do with, there is something almost religious, fanatical about having to state 'oh I had that record way before they got big' - or anything along those lines (read my post for the next band too). Like if that band's success had anything to do with you picking them up. Well I did have this album ages before they broke, an advanced copy from a little store here in the city. I picked it up because I had heard 'anthems...' off of a sampler - the sampler also had a little EPK and I was fascinated by the number of band members (although a little gun shy after the hearing the color wheel mess known as Polyphonic Spree). That's the extent of my BSS story, from there it's pretty much the same as everyone else's. The disc is diverse, exciting, nostalgic and new. Brilliant.

9.5 out 10


Anonymous Anônimo said...

I introduced you to this band you lying bitch!

2:45 AM  
Blogger Jazz said...

oh please Jack, I didn't even know you when I got that. Plus I thought Brad introduced them to you. Thanks for finally posting on this blog - took you long enough.

8:08 AM  
Anonymous Anônimo said...

Dude! I introduced you to them before they even cut a demo. It was late 1997, Thursday night. I had been out drinking, heavily and I ran into you at a corner deli. You said you were going home to check your email, and I was like "Nerd!".

I drunkenly convinced you to take the subway to my apartment to play hungry hungry hippos, and standing there on the platform of the number six train we could hear the strum of an acoustic guitar. we approached the musician who was playing in the subway for change and we threw him a couple of bucks while we sat listening, enchanted.

This was the singer to broken social scene.

I don't even know how you could forget this. Don't you remember, at one point we were listening and I said to you, "Man running into a set of songs like this could really create a broken social scene." And the singer looked up and winked at me, don't you remember, I gave them that name.

11:37 AM  
Blogger Jazz said...

Shit. Jack Kodiak, a little out of control, but always getting the job done. I remember now. Sorry.

8:04 AM  

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